PE and Sports Premium

At The Beeches, our overarching goal as a school is for our children to value the importance of an active lifestyle and the benefit this will have as they progress through life. We are committed to using the Sports Premium Fund to enhance our delivery of PE, provide lifelong, memorable experiences through sport, and the delivery of a fun, engaging and innovative curriculum. We are delighted to have been awarded the School Games Gold Mark for our PE provision. 

The purpose of our funding

Sports Premium Funding is allocated based on five key indicators:

Engaging all pupils in regular physical activity

Raising the profile of PE and sport across the school

Increasing confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in PE and sport teaching

Broadening the experience of pupils by offering a wide range of sporting opportunities

Increasing participation in competitive sport.

Our priority targets 2023-24

Progress made against our targets (updated December 2023)

Tommy Ramdhan (100m sprinter) and Emma Nwofor (hurdler), who both represent Team GB, visited our school and delivered an assembly to KS2 children about how to achieve our personal best and mental health. They then delivered sports workshops to each class in our school. 

We have appointed a group of year 6 children to act as multi-skills sports leaders in association with Ipswich Borough Council and School Games. Their job role includes gathering data to track the progress of our year 3 and 4 children as well as running lunchtime activities on the playground. 

A trophy cabinet has been introduced to display our schools sporting achievements. This is located next to the office so visitors are able to have a look. 

Our PE Subject Lead attended Physical Literacy training in November 2023. A smaller session based on this topic will be delivered to the teaching staff in the Spring term alongside Linda from Active Suffolk. 

Two after-school clubs have already been run this year. Pupil perception was conducted at the end of November to inform planning for the Spring term. We focused on Pupil Premium children to ensure we are targeting them as attendees. 

PE and Sport Premium Reports

The Beeches Primary PE and Sport Premium Report 2023-2024 (1).pdf