
Welcome to the Meekats' class page!

Our teachers are Miss Lasance and Mrs Mijatovic. Mrs Nessling is our teaching assistant.

Our P.E day is Friday, remember to come into school in your P.E Kits!

Follow us on our twitter page to see more of our learning...

It is the best way to keep up to date with what the Hedgehogs are learning. There will be lots of photos on our page.

Our question for this term is 'Who has shaken up our world?' 

We are learning all about about historically significant people who

have had a major impact on the world. We will learn to use

timelines, stories and historical sources to find out about the people

featured and use historical models to explore their significance. We will

be learning about people such as Rosa Parks and Neil Armstrong!

Please see the knowledge organiser sent home at the start of Autumn term to see in detail what we are covering.

We have new spellings weekly. We will set these as assigmnents on Spelling Shed for you to practise at home.

Reading is important!

Oxford Owl

Use this website to read books at home on your PC or tablet!

We encourage children to read as much as possible at school, but they should be reading at least 20 minutes a day with someone at home too. Let your child re-read books. Reading the same words over and over again helps to build fluency.

If your child gets stuck on a word, encourage him/her to sound it out. If it is really too tricky, or can’t be sounded out, just supply them with the word and carry on reading.

You could even take turns reading. By listening to your fluent reading, your child will hear what good readers sound like. After you’ve read a short passage, ask your child to read the same passage. This will give him/her the chance to practice reading with expression.

Enjoy this special time together. By doing so, you will encourage a lifelong love of reading.

Here are some useful websites for home learning

Spelling Shed

Use spelling shed to practice your spellings. Your children have lots of fun using this at school, see if you can get the highest score in the year group or maybe even the whole school! Let me know if you have lost your login details.

Maths - Karate Cats

Maths games - learn and practice many different maths skills.

English Karate Cats

English games - learn and practice many different english skills

Times Tables Rockstars

Use TT rockstars to practise your times tables! Your children enjoy using this at school. See if you can get the highest score in the year group or maybe even the whole school! We often have battles going on between ourselves and other classes! Let me know if you have lost your login details.


Have a go at some different maths games using numbots. Your login for this is the same as TT rockstars.

Reading Books

You can use oxford owl to read books at home with your child.

Phonics Play

Practice your phonics by playing lots of exciting games!

Maths Shed

Have a go at some different maths games using maths shed. Your login for this is the same as spelling shed.

Maths Practice - all

Use the topmarks website to play lots of different maths games!

Place Value

How many balls can you get in the basket using place value?

Find the number

Listen carefully to the instruction, can you find the right number?

Math Playground