Family and Community Support 

The Beeches Early Help Offer

Below is a link which takes you to a page showing all our Early Help interventions and the things that are available to student and their families.

Mental Health

We have produced a comprehensive list of agencies and organisations offering mental health support.  Also, support and advice for people who are struggling financially/loss of jobs etc during this very difficult time.  Please click on the link below:

These are certainly challenging times for everyone. If you have concerns or worries, or just need support and help we have established a confidential email address that is private and monitored by the family liaison manager as follows:

Messages to this address are treated as strictly private and confidential. We aim to respond to emails within 24 hours where possible.

Reporting a Concern

In the event that you are concerned about a young person below is a list of useful contact:

LWAS (Local Welfare Assistance Scheme)

The new and improved Local Welfare Assistance Scheme is available to assist towards increased costs such as: food, energy, clothing and other household costs.

Members of the public can now apply directly to LWAS via the SCC website on this link:

The Community Directory

For all services for children and young people.  Find what you need all in one place.


Resources for LGBT and Young People, their families and friends 


A national organisation for young people with gender identity issues 


Suffolk Young People's health project, this is a local charity which provides and coordinates services that improve the social, emotional and physical health and wellbeing of young people in Suffolk, aged 12-25 

Where to find support for young people and children

Young Minds Charity

They have resources for young people, parents and professionals to help with good mental health. Please see the links below.

Suffolk Minds Mental Health Charity

Domestic Abuse

Please follow this link to the private website for victims for domestic abuse to seek support:-

If you have any worries or concerns regarding domestic abuse, please do not hesitate to contact us on the confidential email otherwise please come into school and ask to speak to Clare Hurren (Domestic Abuse Champion for the school) who will give you a safe space to speak about your situation.

Parenting Programmes

Realise Futures

Realise Futures provides training courses. Below is their brochure :-