
Welcome to the Owls class page!

Our PE days are Monday morning and Thursday afternoon. Please come to school in PE kit on those days.

Our essential question this term is 'What did the Romans do for us?'

This project teaches children about the history and structure of ancient Rome and the Roman Empire, including a detailed exploration of the Romanisation of Britain. 

Reading is important!

Once reading books have been allocated, children should read daily to an adult at home. Please remember to record any reading completed at home using the Boom Reader app.  Click the image to access the Boom reader webpage.

Children will be taking 2 books home. One at their reading level and one 'Just for fun'.

Key Information

Book suggestions

In our classroom, the working walls for each subject are updated throughout the week:

Here are some useful websites for home learning

Spelling Shed

Use spelling shed to practice your spellings. Your children have lots of fun using this at school, see if you can get the highest score in the year group or maybe even the whole school! Let me know if you have lost your login details.

Times Tables Rockstars

Use TT rockstars to practise your times tables! Your children enjoy using this at school. See if you can get the highest score in the year group or maybe even the whole school! We often have battles going on between ourselves and other classes! Let me know if you have lost your login details.

Follow us on our twitter page to see more of our learning...

It is the best way to keep up to date with what the Owls are learning.